Saturday, May 11, 2019

New Missionaries May 6,2019

New Missionaries Arrive
 We are so excited to have a new group of missionaries join us! Their plane was 4 hours late and so we were not able to go to the "Cross" or have a nice dinner together, but everyone was so happy to get here and it all worked out! We hope that everyone will help them feel at home here in this beautiful mission as we all work together in this "greatest challenge, greatest cause and greatest work!"

Pres Nakken, Elder Mahoney, Elder Greenawalt, Elder Phillips, Sister Nakken, Sister Shepard, Sister Stephens, Sister Leha'uli, Sister Tal'ui, Sister Rollins
Transfer Day
Sister Pace, Sister Stephens, Sister Shepard, Sister Rollins, Sister Gonzales
Sister Fitting, Elder Limb, Elder Thornock, Elder Greenawalt, Sister Nugent
Sister Brown, Sister Chandler, Pres Nakken, Elder Drury, Elder Pilling
Sister Peterson, Sister Wynder, Sister Preece, Sister Tal'ui, Sister Lundeen, Sister Leha'lui
Elder Linnell, Elder McMullin, Elder Reyna, Elder Stevens, Elder Garcia, Elder Bustillos
Elder Greenawalt, Sister Gastabend, Elder Thornock, Sister Fowers, Elder Limb
Sister Stephens will be trained by Sister Preece in Mesa Oaks, Lompoc District, SB Zone
Elder Scott and Elder Greenawalt will be serving together in the Fillmore English Ward-Ventura Zone
Elder Phillips will be trained by Elder Robinson in the Ventura third ward-Ventura Zone
Hma Person, Sister Stephenson, Pres Nakken, Hma Reeder, Hma Walker- First Sisters on bikes!
Sister Shepard will be trained by Sister Chandler and Sister Brown in the Simi YSA Ward
Sister Tal'iu will be trained by Sister Gonzales in the El Camino YSA Ward with Sister Nugent
Sister Rollins will serve with her trainer, Sister Lundeen in the Westlake YSA Ward-Th Oaks Zone
 Sister Leha'uli will be trained by Sister Pace in the Camarillo YSA with Sister Fastabend
Elder Goodman and Elder Schoen- Sister Fowers, Sister Peterson, Sister Wynder, Sister Fitting and Hma Hawkins

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Mission Leadership Council-May

Mission Leadership Council- May 2019
We had a great Mission Leadership Council. Our baptismal goal for the month of April was 24, and we were able to gather 20 people who chose to be baptized thanks to all of your efforts! You are all dong such a wonderful job! 
The Training Leaders and District Leaders along with the Zone Leaders all discussed ways that we can continue to work together to reach our combined mission goal of 30 baptisms for the month of May! 
The notes of everything that were discussed have been sent out to all of you. (Thanks to Elder Mackay) We hope you will take the time to read them and be ready to discuss and council together at your combined District Council on Friday! We hope that you feel what an exciting time it is to be a part of this mission! There is such a great spirit of unity in each zone! Every Zone either met their baptismal goal this past month or was within one person- and that is just absolutely AMAZING! We are so grateful for the personal experiences that you are all having as you see the power of conversion and the miracles that are happening in the lives of those you are teaching! We are just so proud of every one of you!
We hope you enjoy your Combined District Councils this week and always know how grateful we are to serve together and how much we love you!