Thursday, August 30, 2018

Mission Tour-Elder Scott D Whiting

Mission Tour:
Elder Scott D Whiting and his wife Sister Jeri came to our mission on assignment. It was so fun to have them in our home for 3 day and get to know them better! What fun people to serve with! We had two combined zone conferences and a special Mission Leader Council. We met in the Thousand Oaks Stake Center with the Simi Valley, Thousand Oaks and Camarillo Zones on Monday, Aug 11th. Then on Tuesday, we met in the Goleta Stake Center with the Ventura, Santa Barbara, Santa Maria and San Luis Obispo Zones. 
Elder Whiting encouraged the missionaries to ask him any question they had. Here are some of them:
Elder Tangren- How do we answer people when they ask deep questions?
Elder Pack- How should we respond to opposition?
Sister Lyon: How can we really help people when we don't have a lot of life experience?
Sister Powers-How can we answer boldly without being contentious?
Elder Governale- Can we receive revelation off topic?
Elder Jones- How can I make my personal prayers more meaningful?
All of these questions led to wonderful discussion. One thing that really stood out and wa repeated over and over is- "That this work isn't about you, it's about Jesus!" Elder Whiting had also asked each missionary to write a one page report about what the Book of Mormon meant to you. He asked Elder Goodman, Sister Rawlings, Elder Anitoni and to share what they had written with everyone. It was a great experience to see how each one has been influenced by this wonderful book!
Hermana Edgel and Hermana Hawkins sang "Did You Think to Pray" accompanied by Sister Ashby for the musical number in the south zones. Elder Anitoni, Elder Seui, Hma Hawkins, Hma Turley, Hma Price and Hma Monson did the musical number for the North Zone. 

Pres and Sister Nakken, Elder Scott and Sister Jeri Whiting: 
Camarillo Zone

Thousand Oaks Zone
Simi Valley Zone
San Luis Obispo Zone
 Santa Maria Zone
 Santa Barbara Zone
 Ventura Zone

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