Sunday, May 27, 2018

Zone Conference-San Luis Obispo and Santa Maria

Zone Conference
San Luis Obispo and Santa Maria
San Luis Obispo Zone 
  Elder Jones, Elder Palmer, E;der Ballentyne, Elder Riches, Elder Mills, Elder Shumway, Elder Freebairn, Elder Robinson, Elder Horman, Elder Santos, Elder Woolsey, Elder Haslem, Elder Tangren
Hma Sudweeks, Hma Cruz, Sister Rosenlof, Sister Fowers, Pres and Sister Nakken, Sister Cook, Sister Riggs, Sister Fairbourn, Sister Miller
Santa Maria Zone
Elder Snider, Elder Barzee, Elder Beason, Elder Harman, Elder Fenn, Elder Reichman, Elder Pickett, Elder Mecham, Elder Jarnagin, Elder Hutchison, Elder Mackay
Hma Bassett, Hma Schmidt, Sister Montag, Sister Taylor, Pres and Sister Nakken, Sister Brockbank, Sister Martin, Sister Mackay
 Sister Rosenlof- How to work with the youth in the wards
 Elder Ballantyne: How to use social media
 Elder Horman: How to find people to teach using your own efforts

 Elder Snider, Elder Fenn, Elder Tangren, Sister Taylor, Sister Montag, Elder Deason, Sister Fairbourn and Sister Miller
 Elder Haslam, Elder Jarnagin, Elder Hutchison, Elder Freebairn, Hma Bassett, Hma Schmidt, Hma Cruz and Hma Sudweeks
 Elder Horman, Elder Cannon, Elder Mills, Sister Rosenlof, Sister Martin, Sister Fowers, Sister Rosenlof
  Elder Mecham, Elder Riches, ELder Reichman, Elder Jarman, Sister Cook, Elder Robinson, Elder Shumway, Elder Woolsey, Sister Riggs
 Elder Tanuvasa, Elder Ballantyne, Elder Santos, Elder Palmer,
Elder Jones, Elder Robins, Elder Pickett, Elder Barzee
 Elder and Sister Mackay- Elder and Sister Andrus
 Elder Palmer
 Elder and Sister Mackay, Elder and Sister Ashby, Pres and Sister Nakken
 Sister Miller and Sister Fairbourn
Elder Fenn and Elder Tangren
 Sister Taylor and Sister Montag
 Elder Tanuvasa, Elder Palmer and Elder Ashby

 Cupcake Challenge
Elder Horman, Elder Santos, Elder Woolsey, Elder Haslam, Sister Cook, Sister Riggs, Sister Fairbourn

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Departing Missionaries

It is never fair that each one becomes such great missionaries and then they leave! We are so proud of the accomplishments, dedication, sacrifice and self-less service from this group! We have made friends that we can NEVER forget and we are so excited to see what their lives have in store! "And now, I ask, what great blessings has he bestowed upon us? Can ye Tell? "Alma 26:2 
Sister Christiansen, Elder Matthews, Elder Jones, Elder Hunt
Hma Garcia, Hma Hernandez, Hma Fernandez, Hma Rodriguez, Hma Hiller
 Farewell Dinner
 Hma Garcia, Hma Christiansen, Hma Fernandez, Hma Rodriguez
 Elder Tanuvasa, Elder Robins, Elder Hunt, Elder Jones, Elder Matthews
 Hma Rodriguez, Hma Hiller, Hma Fernandez, Sister Christiansen, Hma Garcia, Hma Hernandez

Elder Robinson, Elder Tanuvasa, and Elder Hunt
 Final Testimony:
Sister Andrus, Hma Fernandez, Elder Tanuvasa, Hma Hiller, Hma Rodriguez, Elder and Sister Mackay
 Elder Jones, Elder Hunt, Elder Matthews
 Hma Hernandez, Hma Hiller, Hma Garcia, Hma Rodriguez, Sister Christiansen
 Cutting of the Ties
 Elder Hunt
  Elder Jones, Elder Matthews, Elder Hunt
 Last Morning in the California Ventura Mission 
 This is so sad! 
It is really hard to see people that you have learned to love and rely on just drive right out of your life! The only consolation I have is knowing the excitement that their families must be having as they wait for their return! We will always remember our time here together! 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

New Missionaries

Welcome New Missionaries!
Elder Mateaki and Elder Rogers will be with us here while they wait for their Visas to go to India.
Hermana Brockhausen will be going to Costa Rica and Elder Brede will go to Austrailia as soon as all of his paper work is completed. We wish we could keep all of them, but are happy to have them begin their missions here with us! We are so happy that Elder Eggen's call is to serve here with us in Spanish work! 

Santa Barbara Airport: Elder Robins, Pres Nakken, Elder Eggen, Elder Mateaki, Elder Rogers, Hma Brockhausen, Elder Brade, Elder Tanuvasa
We tried to go up to the "Cross" at Grant Park, but it was still closed because of the destruction caused by the Thomas Fire in December. 
Elder Tanuvasa, Elder Robins, Elder Mateaki, Pres and Sister Nakken, Elder Rogers, Elder Eggen, Elder Brade and Hma Brockhausen
After dinner at the Mission Home, each of the new missionaries were assigned to go with a companionship for the evening. They went to appointments, had the opportunity to contact and were able to share their testimonies for the first time! We are so grateful to have each one of them here with us! Also, thanks to each companionship for showing them what "mission life" if all about!

Elder Goulding, Elder Brede, Elder Rogers, Elder Santos, Sister Nakken, Elder Mateaki, Elder Eggen and Hma Brockhousen
Hma Brockhausen going with Hma Edgel and Hma Hernandez in Ventura
Elder McLawhorn and Elder Goulding taking Elder Rogers
New Companions
 Hermana Dolder, Hermana Brockhausen and Hermana Pazmino
 Elder Brede is being trained by Elder Bundy and Elder Black in Ojai
 Elder Mateaki will be trained by Elder McEntire and Elder Vallace in Camarillo
 Elder Eggen and his trainer Elder Seui in the Oxnard district