Tuesday, May 22, 2018

New Missionaries

Welcome New Missionaries!
Elder Mateaki and Elder Rogers will be with us here while they wait for their Visas to go to India.
Hermana Brockhausen will be going to Costa Rica and Elder Brede will go to Austrailia as soon as all of his paper work is completed. We wish we could keep all of them, but are happy to have them begin their missions here with us! We are so happy that Elder Eggen's call is to serve here with us in Spanish work! 

Santa Barbara Airport: Elder Robins, Pres Nakken, Elder Eggen, Elder Mateaki, Elder Rogers, Hma Brockhausen, Elder Brade, Elder Tanuvasa
We tried to go up to the "Cross" at Grant Park, but it was still closed because of the destruction caused by the Thomas Fire in December. 
Elder Tanuvasa, Elder Robins, Elder Mateaki, Pres and Sister Nakken, Elder Rogers, Elder Eggen, Elder Brade and Hma Brockhausen
After dinner at the Mission Home, each of the new missionaries were assigned to go with a companionship for the evening. They went to appointments, had the opportunity to contact and were able to share their testimonies for the first time! We are so grateful to have each one of them here with us! Also, thanks to each companionship for showing them what "mission life" if all about!

Elder Goulding, Elder Brede, Elder Rogers, Elder Santos, Sister Nakken, Elder Mateaki, Elder Eggen and Hma Brockhousen
Hma Brockhausen going with Hma Edgel and Hma Hernandez in Ventura
Elder McLawhorn and Elder Goulding taking Elder Rogers
New Companions
 Hermana Dolder, Hermana Brockhausen and Hermana Pazmino
 Elder Brede is being trained by Elder Bundy and Elder Black in Ojai
 Elder Mateaki will be trained by Elder McEntire and Elder Vallace in Camarillo
 Elder Eggen and his trainer Elder Seui in the Oxnard district

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