Thursday, October 4, 2018

Mission Leadership Council Oct 2018

Mission Leadership Council
October  2, 2018
Elder Macdonald, Elder Stenberg, Elder Morgan, Elder Drury, Elder Pilling, Elder Roth, Elder Goodman, Elder McMullin, Elder Reeve
Elder Barzee, Elder Tanuvasa, Elder Clegg, Elder Tibbets, Elder Ujhely, Elder Hutchinson, Elder Castro, Elder Esparza, Elder Jarnagin
Sister Lyon, Sister Martin, Sister Masaki, Sister Rawlings, Pres and Sister Nakken, Hna Coronel, Hna Edgel, Hna Sudweeks

Every other month we host a breakfast for our mission leaders at the mission home. One of our new couples that are serving in the office, Elder and Sister Jensen, provided the homemade cinnamon rolls. We also had the traditional breakfast casserole, fruit and "Fairlife" chocolate milk. We really enjoy having missionaries in our home. It is so fun to see their interaction and the love and friendship they all have for one another. 
 Elder Jensen and Pres Nakken
 Hna Coronel, Hna Edgel, Sister Masaki, Sister Rawlings
 Sister Lyon, Hna Sudweeks, Sister Martin
 Elder Goulding, Elder Clegg, Elder Tibbets, Elder Pilling, Elder Roth, Elder Hutchinson, Elder Morgan, Elder Ujhely
 Elder Hutchinson, Elder Morgan, Elder Ujhely, Elder Goulding, Elder Clegg, Elder Tibbets, Elder Pilling, Elder Roth
 Elder Jarnagin, Elder Esparza, Elder Goodman, Elder Macdonald, Elder Stenberg, Elder McMullin, Elder Reeve, Elder Drury, Elder Castro

 Sister Lyon, Hna Sudweeks, Hna Edgel, Sister Masaki, Sister Martin, Sister Rawlings, Hna Coronel
Reports on Zone Baptismal Goals: This past month our goal was 22 baptisms. Our total was 17 people that were baptized! Four of our 7 zones achieved their goal and 3 came within 1! We are so happy with the way the zones are working together and helping each companionship! We talked a lot about MOMENTUM and how its a process of building on what we are already doing-Each Zone Leader was asked what they felt was helping the mission be so successful- These are some of their responses:  Missionaries are thinking more about baptism and it is creating a lot of enthusiasm- this momentum is infectious, and we want it to keep going! We are becoming more realistic in setting our goals. Everyone is aware of what others are doing, and it helps keep everyone motivated and accountable. We are gaining more love and charity for those we are teaching and it helps provide real revelation to how we can teach and help them. daily goals and actuals gibe us an opportunity to make adjustments to become better. 
President Nakken observed that all of these comments point to the basic fact that personal worthiness and obedience play a bigger role in baptism than we know or realize. We need to strengthen our personal commitment to be obedience to qualify for the blessings of baptism. Power comes into the mission when we are have Christ like obedience. 
Elder Barzee (Assistant to Pres Nakken)  talked about following the guidelines in Preach My Gospel on being an effective missionary- especially in setting goals. 
Elder Tibbets and Elder Morgan (Zone Leaders in Santa Barbara) spoke about working with members in the wards to build their trust and help them know how to do missionary work. 
Sister Nakken Spoke about the strippling warriors and how they gained their faith from what their mothers taught them but also from what their fathers, or the men in their lives "showed" them. They had been willing to lay down their lives rather than break their covenants. We need to not only teach our new missionaries the rules in the handbook, but we need to show them by example how to live their lives as a missionary. We also talked about how the young warriors were spared. It was not by magic. Helaman immediately sent out others to find the ones who had fainted so they could be saved. we need to know those in our stewardships well enough that we could find them and give them the help that they need. 
Elder Tanuvasa led the discussion and practice on teaching. He  focused on  using the pamphlets to be more clear and simple and asking more questions and then listening  to help find out what should be taught. It was really helpful to be the one being taught so you can learn to put yourself in the place of those who know little of nothing of our faith.  Preach My Gospel  teaches us so many things about how to begin teaching and how to improve that we need to learn and practice. We have great teachers and it was inspiring to watch them continue to improve.
Pres Nakken introduced a new way of keeping our trainers and new missionaries accountable for all that they are required to do in the first two transfers of their mission. He talked about a check list sheet that will be updated daily with a list of things that should  be done daily and  weekly. Both companions will fill it out and it will be shared through Google sheets with the Assistants, Zone Leaders and Pres and Sister Nakken. 

Sister Ashby, Sister Mackey, and Sister Jensen provide a lunch for all of us. The homemade bread and jam are  famous! We also had three types of chili, chips, fruit and salad. Desert never disappoints with carrot cake and oatmeal cake.

 Sister and Hna Training Leaders: Sister Martin, Sister Rawlings, Hna Edgel, Hna Sudweeks, 
Sister Lyon, Sister Masaki, Hna Coronel.
 Spanish Training Leaders: Hna Edgel, Hna Coronel, Hna Sudweeks, Elder Jarnagin, Elder Castro, Elder Stenberg
 San Luis Obispo Zone Leaders: Elder Clegg and Elder Pilling Hna and Sister Training Leaders: Hna Sudweeks and Sister Martin
 Simi Valley Zone Leaders: Elder Drury and Elder Goodman- Hermana Training Leader: Hna Edgel
 Santa Maria Zone Leaders: Elder Roth and Elder Goulding-Sister Training Leader: Sister Rawlings
 Thousand Oaks Zone Leaders: Elder Hutchinson and Elder Ujhely- Sister Training Leader: Sister Lyon
 Santa Barbara Zone Leaders: Elder Tibbets and Elder Morgan-Spanish Training Leaders: Hna Coronel and Elder Stengerg
 Camarillo Zone Leaders: Elder McMullin and Elder Separza- Assistants: Elder Tanuvasa and Elder Barzee- Spanish Training Leader: Elder Jarnagin- Sister Training Leader: Sister Masaki
Ventura Zone Leaders: Elder Macdonald and Elder Reeve- Spanish Training Leader: Elder Castro

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