Saturday, November 24, 2018

Departing Missionaries

The sisters in this group started their missions just before we arrived in July of 2017. We did their followup training when we had only been in the mission about a week and we did not know what we were doing. SO we have all learned together! This group will always have a special place in our hearts because of the experiences that we have shared together. It is hard to see them go. I hope they will always remember how much we love them and that "we have none other object save it be the everlasting welfare of their souls!" 
The sad thing is how much we miss the missionaries when they go home. It is an interesting experience to pick up new missionaries at the Santa Barbara airport on Monday. When you see the new ones that come in you can’t help but think how young they are. They are excited but have so much to learn. Being a missionary really does take a lot of skill and there will just be so much to learn!
After a day of training and assigning everyone to their new companions and areas, we then meet with those who are finishing their missions. We spend the after noon together taking pictures, have a nice meal and then share testimonies. They talk about experiences they have had and lives that have been changed. They just know how to do missionary work and they know how to inspire others to know how to do it – and then they are gone. I always wonder how we will be able to function without such good missionaries. I  think back over those two days when the new ones come, and the old ones leave and I think- this is NOT a fair trade! How will this work ever move forward? We are always re-building, re-training, re-teaching, re-reminding, re-assigning, re-encouraging and re-committing missionaries! How will we ever succeed! Hahhaha These are my real feelings every time, and every time I already know the answer. This is God’s work not ours. This is how He wants it to be. It is actually the fulfillment of prophecy that proves this is God’s true church- D&C 1:23- “That the fulness of my gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world”
We have a lot of confidence in the futures of these missionaries. We will miss them so much. 

 Sister Masaki and Sister Wright
 Hma Cruz, Hma Coronel, Sister Martin, Sister Priestley, 
Sister Wright, Sister Masaki, Sister Frankman, Sister Lyon
 Elder Cannon, Elder Bunnage, Elder Jarnagin, Elder Morgan, Elder Reeve, Elder Tanuvasa
 Sister Priestley, Sister Wright, Sister Masaki, Sister Martin
Hma Coronel, Sister Frankman, Sister Lyon, Hma Cruz
  Sister Priestley, Sister Wright, Sister Masaki, Sister Martin
Hma Coronel, Sister Frankman, Sister Lyon, Hma Cruz
 Sister Martin, Sister Prieslty, Sister Masaki, Sister Wright, Hma Coronel, Hma Cruz, Sister Frankman, Sister Lyon
 Sister Martin, Hma Cruz, Sister Frankman, Sister Lyon, Sister Priestley, Sister Masaki, Sister Wright, Hma Coronel
 Elder Jarnagin, Elder Goodman, Elder Tanuvasa, Elder Reeve, Elder Morgan, Elder Bunnage, Elder Cannon, Elder Barzee
 Elder Reeve, Elder Morgan, Elder Bunnage, Elder Cannon, Elder Barzee, Elder Jarnagin, Elder Goodman, Elder Tanuvasa
 Sister Wright, Sister Masaki, Elder Cannon
 Elder Barzee, Elder Tanuvasa, Elder Morgan, Elder Goodman, Elder Reeve, Elder Bunnage
 Sister Priestley, Sister Frankman, Sister Lyon
 Elder Jarnagin, Hma Cruz, Sister Martin, Hma Cruz
 Cutting of the Ties!   Elder Cannon
 Elder Reeve
 Elder Morgan
 Elder Tanuvasa
 Sister Missionary Shoes!
 Elder Tanuvasa
 Elder Reeve
 Companions in Santa Barbara YSA
  Elder Reeve, Elder Morgan and Elder Jarnagin without their ties! 
 Elder Barzee and Elder Bunnage
 Sister Martin, Sister Wright and Sister Masaki
 We love these sisters! 
Elder Reeve-  Signing the book of recent baptisms-  Elder Tanuvasa
  President and Sister Nakken
 Sister Masaki was wearing the tie that the person she last baptized wore to church for the first time!
 Sister Wright-
 Elder Reeve and Elder Tanuvasa
 Elder Goodman- and Elder Reeve
Elder Barzee and Elder Goodman do so much work during the transfer. We could never do it without them!

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