Sunday, February 17, 2019

Departing Missionaries

It is such an amazing experience to see missionaries finish their missions! We are going to miss each one of them but we are excited for them to begin their own futures! Missions prepare you for life and we have so much confidence that each one of these missionaries will have the faith, knowledge and  skills to have a successful future!  We are so proud of them! We have grown to love each one so much. We have such fun memories and will always remember their love for Jesus Christ and this great work of gathering scattered Israel! 
We were able to go to the Sera Cross for the first time since the Thomas Fire in December 2017. It is one of our favorite places because you can see the view of our mission and it serves as a reminder that there are people of faith who God is preparing for us to find! It is a great place to "look ahead" or "think back in review," depending on where you are in your life! For us today, it represented wonderful memories of people we have come to love and memories that we will always share!
 Elder Anitoni and President Nakken

CVM Graduating Class of February 2019
 Sister Breeze, Sister Fairbourn, Sister Madder, Sister Watkins, Elder Anitoni, Sister Riggs, Sister Miller, Sister Montag, Sister Meyer
  Sister Breeze, Sister Fairbourn, Sister Madder, Sister Watkins, Elder Anitoni, Sister Riggs, Sister Miller, Sister Montag, Sister Meyer

 Sera Cross at Grant Park- 
 Sister Riggs, Sister Meyer, Sister Miller, Sister Watkins, Sister Breeze, Sister Nakken, Sister Madder, Sister Montag, Sister Fairbourn, Elder Anitoni
  The Sisters!  
 Los Elderes
                         Sister Miller, Sister Fairbourn, Sister Breeze, Sister Meyer, Pres Nakken, Elder Anitoni, Elder Goodman, Elder Drury, Sister Madder, Sister Riggs, Sister Watkins, Sister Montag
Everyone with the view of Ventura 

 Pres and Sister Nakken, Elder Anitoni, Sister Meyer, Sister Riggs, Sister Watkins, Sister Madder, Sister Breeze, Sister Montag, Sister Miller, Sister Fairbourn
After we went to the Cross, we went to the Ventura Pier- There is just something special about that last day in your mission! I hope they always remember what a privledge it has been to serve in such a beautiful are- and most importantly -what great friends they have made! I also hope they never forget the love and gratitude that God has for each one who has chosen to serve Him!




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